Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Okay Colorado springs people....its almost time! ARE YOU READY? Just between friends is holding their annual spring sale next week! April 15th-17th! There is still time to sign up to consign if you are interested, you have until April 10th! Just go HERE for all the details, and to sign up! At the winter sale I made over $400.00 selling my kids out-grown clothes, and baby items!

If you are no wanting to consign, but are looking for a great bargain on kids clothes, and baby items, YOU CANT MISS THIS SALE! We are talking clothing for $2-3, outfits for $4-6, shoes for $2-3, and baby essentials for up to 90% off retail!

Alot of people think it is just a kids clothing sale, but you can find maternity clothes, strollers, tons of toys, childrens bedding items, books, movies and dvds, nursing items, sippy cups, socks, hats, high chairs, rocking chairs, cribs, and on and on and on......These items are all hand inspected. JBF does not accept anything that is stained or torn. They are very strict on only accepting items that are in good condition!

So if I haven't convinced you yet.....please visit their WEBSITE for even more info! Trust me you wont be disapointed!

The sale runs at the Phil Long Expo Center
Thursday & Friday: 9:00-4:00
Saturday 9:00-3;00 ( on saturday, items are priced at half off!)

1 comment:

  1. I've been consigning and buying with JBF for about 5 years! I encourage everyone to at least check out the sale! They have great stuff and you'll be helping other families locally as well! It's truly a win-win-win!
